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Jun 9, 2018

Intel's 'Low Power Display Technology' could solve your laptop battery life woes

Short battery life has been an issue for notebook owners for the better part of the last decade. Various device makers have tried to improve the situation by using weaker internal hardware, but no solution has been perfect so far. However, Intel's upcoming Low Power Display Technology could increase laptop battery life substantially.
Tired of draining your laptop battery mere hours after you've fully charged it? If so, you certainly aren't alone.
Whether you use a gaming machine or a standard notebook, most laptop owners have run into battery life problems on more than one occasion.
However, good news could be on the horizon now.
At Computex 2018 this week, Intel said it's working on a new type of notebook display panel, which utilizes something the company calls "Low Power Display Technology." The technology will supposedly only draw a single watt of power from a given laptop's battery.
According to PCWorld, this technology could increase a given device's battery life by as much as "four to eight hours."

It seems likely that some compromises will need to be made for LDPT to become a reality but it's tough to say where they might lie. The images we've seen of Intel's prototype devices so far don't give us an accurate idea of how much LDPT has negatively impacted their picture quality, if it's indeed had any effect at all.
That said, PCWorld says LPDT doesn't seem to change much about the displays on a fundamental level. The outlet reports the prototype devices' brightness looked about the same as any other consumer notebook, at about 350 nits.
If you're eager to get your hands on a device with LDPT, it sounds like you won't have to wait long. Intel says the first devices with this technology built-in will hit the shelves of your nearest electronics retailer as soon as this holiday season. Intel hasn't released any information regarding the devices' potential pricing as of writing.

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