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Feb 27, 2015

WhatsApp adds two new browsers to its web client messaging

firefox, chrome, opera, safari, whatsapp, web client
About a month ago WhatsApp announced that its 700 million users will be able to access the popular messaging service through a new web browser client. Since then the company began rolling out voice calling features, but has now returned its focus to the browser adding a few new options for its massive user base.
While previously limited to Google’s Chrome web surfer, WhatsApp has now added support for both FireFox and Opera. Much like the Chrome set-up process, users will simply need to navigate to the web client and scan a QR code in order to connect the browser app with their mobile WhatsApp account. As we previously reported, because all your conversations on the web client will be kept on your mobile device, your phone will need to remain connected during your browser calls.
As you might know, WhatsApp uses no passwords or user names and instead relies on a user’s mobile phone number for identification. Due to the QR requirements and what WhatsApp describes as iOS limitations, this service is only available for those with Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry devices at this point.
While Safari and iOS users appear to be still left out in the cold as we previously explained, WhatsApp did say publicly that an iOS compatible client was on its way.

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